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Yahya Aqrom

Fullstack Developer Intern

As an aspiring fullstack developer, I have gained proficiency in React, React Native, Bootstrap, Tailwind, and SASS. I also have hands-on experience with Git, Node.js, Hapi.js, Electron.js, Vue.js, CodeIgniter, and FastAPI.

Flat 2.0

Flat 2.0

Creating user-friendly
interfaces that delight.



Crafting interactive
experiences that engage.



Designing captivating
screens that adapts.

  • Freelance Web Developer

    AAT Connect | Jun 2022 - Jul 2022

    • In this project, I worked alone to develop a simple web app for an automotive dealer company using Bootstrap and CodeIgniter within a tight five-week deadline
  • Freelance Web Developer

    Connecting Generations | Jul 2021

    • In this project, I worked alone to develop a campaign microsite for a FTUI alumni association election candidate using Figma and Bootstrap within a tight two-week deadline.
  • Frontend Developer Intern

    Pexpress Indonesia | Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

    • In this internship, I worked under supervision of a senior developer for a logistics startup to develop desktop and mobile user interfaces using Bootstrap and CodeIgniter within three-months internship programs.
  • Information System and Technology

    Institut Teknologi Bandung | Aug 2019 - Present

    • Learned and implemented the concepts of Software Engineering, a total of 25 SCH: Introduction to Computation, Programming Fundamentals, Algorithm and Data Structure IST, Object-Oriented Programming IST, Software Engineering IST, Mobile Platform & Application Development, Human Computer Interaction, Database Modeling, Database Management.
  • Secretary General

    Himpunan Mahasiswa Informatika ITB | Mar 2022 - Present

    • Assisted the chairman in day-to-day coordination of 22 work divisions within a team of 60+ people. Developed integrated student needs service center and sustainable knowledge management systems, impacting over 1,000 HMIF ITB students.
  • Secretary General

    HMIF ITB Student Orientation | Jun 2021 - Sep 2021

    • Assisted the project officer in tightly coordinating 12 work divisions within a team of 120+ people. Built a robust and sustainable Discord-based project framework, impacting over 400 sophomore ITB students.
  • Secretary General

    Ganesha Academy Pioneer | Jul 2020 - Jan 2021

    • Assisted the project officer in coordinating 3 work divisions within a team of 15 people. Collaborated with the KM ITB Freshman Ministry to curate local and national leaders as speakers, impacting over 100 freshman ITB students.
  • Training Facilitator of Initiator Class Vol 1 & 2

    Kabinet KM ITB | Aug 2020 - Sep 2020

    • Two times volunteering as Training Facilitator (monthly: Aug, Sep), teaching design thinking principles and frameworks in Initiator Class Vol 1 and teaching initiating social movement skills in Initiator Class Vol 2. My mentee group achieve best team awards on vol 1 & 2.
  • Training Facilitator of Kawah Kepemimpinan Pelajar Jawa Barat

    Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat | Jun 2017 - Jul 2019

    • Three times volunteering as training facilitator (annually: 2017, 2018, 2019), teaching leadership skills and leadership principles to over 300 Student Organization's leader from all over West Java. I gained this opportunity from my achievement as West Java representatives at KKP Nasional 2017.